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16. elok. 20223 min käytetty lukemiseen
7. Vague musculosceletal problems and increased body awareness
This is the 7th text in Towards Effortlessness, a blog series where I report on the results of a customer survey I conducted in 2021. The...
121 katselukertaa
29. kesäk. 20223 min käytetty lukemiseen
6. Towards releasing muscular tension
23 respondents sought help to what they describe as tensing the body (9) and/or parts of it (19). Let us first throw a little glance to...
116 katselukertaa
10. kesäk. 20223 min käytetty lukemiseen
4. Towards improved body control
This is the fourth text in the blog series Towards Effortlessness, the introduction to which you can find here. In this series, I report...
75 katselukertaa
30. toukok. 20223 min käytetty lukemiseen
3."Heavens, I don't have to do everything so that my muscles scream!?!" Towards easier horse riding.
This blog is a part of a series of texts where I report the results of a customer survey that I conducted in 2021. The introduction to...
149 katselukertaa
19. toukok. 20222 min käytetty lukemiseen
2. Relieving pain
This is the second text in a series of blogs whose introduction is here. The series reports the results of a customer inquiry from 2021....
123 katselukertaa
19. toukok. 20223 min käytetty lukemiseen
1. Introduction: Towards Effortlessness
In the spring 2021 a marketing consultant asked me if anyone has ever systematically inquired what people look for when they come to...
413 katselukertaa
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